Over the last year I've learned that most people think the same way I did. They don't know what Real Food is.
In the modern food industry, novelty and technical wizardry are the rule. In the United States, 10,000 new processed foods come on the market each year, and it seems a new diet is always climbing the best-seller list.
I'm learning not to play by the health-tip rules or current advice. How am I doing this when I read daily about the latest studies telling us food is bad?
I learn from people like Dr. Heidi Dulay -- Nina Planck -- Atkins -- and Gary Taubes - Good Calories, Bad Calories
Here's a sample of what Nina Planck tells about her book, Real Food: What to Eat and Why
(By the way Dr. Heidi feels the same way about real food and teaches people like me what real food is.)
Lard? Most excellent - "hardly anyone knows that lard is good for you."
Tropical fats? Yum-o.
Red meat? Dig in, but search out the grass-fed kind.
Salt isn't a poison to be avoided; it's a godsend that brings out the flavors of many foods. Unrefined sea salt is best.
Search out fermented foods: kefir, sauerkraut. Your gut will thank you for it.
Eggs? "A nutritional bonanza."
"I don't buy the low-fat version of anything," Planck writes.
What kind of food do you eat? Why did you choose it?
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