Sunday, January 25, 2009

Warning: These meats are fattening

This post is part of a new book being written by Dr. Heidi Dulay who created the Extreme Regime Fat Burn Formula. The five week fat burn program opens this Monday, Jan 26. 12 NOON Eastern time.
Go here to sign up and to learn more. Very Limited Space.

Dear reader: Below is part 2 of the 'controversial findings' related to the ad I tested recently:

Warning: Do not attempt another diet until you read this controversial report...

Part 1 of that report is here. Diet Warning: Big FAT surprise #1

Here's part 2.

Most folks think meat is good if you want to lose weight.

90% (208) of the 228 readers said "FALSE" to Diet Warning survey Question 5.

Meat is not good if you want to lose weight.

Big Fat Surprise #3:

Most meat is fattening.

Meats are not created equal.

Nor are chickens, turkeys, fish, eggs and dairy.

We compare two burgers: An industrial burger and a grassfed burger.

They may look the same, but one is fattening and the other is reducing. Yes, assume you are eating either one WITHOUT the BUN.

An industrial burger is fattening. Its grassfed counterpart is reducing.

Here's why the industrial burger is fattening. It has:
An abnormal amount of total and saturated fat: 4 to 6 times more total fat and twice as much saturated fat as grassfed.

Hardly any omega 3 fats – the type of fat that burns fat, like salmon has. Omega 3 naturally present in cow fat plummets in the feedlot – the longer the cow is in the feedlot, the lower the omega 3 content.

Excessive amounts of omega 6 fats – the fats found in corn oil that are correlated with obesity and diabetes.

High level of toxins: growth hormone, antibiotics, pesticides and genetically modified organisms.

In industrial feedlots cows sleep in deep piles of manure – a source of bacteria that may end up in our hamburgers. They are fed synthetic nitrogen, chicken litter, blood and fat products of other slaughtered cattle, along with as much corn as they can stand. Cows naturally eat grass, not corn. Corn messes up their digestive systems, causing all kinds of disease requiring antibiotics and other medication – which end up in our steaks and burgers. "A growing body of research suggests that many problems associated with eating beef are really problems with corn-fed beef ." (Pollan 2008, p.75)

On the other hand, grassfed meats come from cows that eat grass – food they’re made to eat and digest. They stay healthy, and develop ideal amounts of total fats and the essential omega 3 and 6 fats. Grassfed meats are a boon to folks who don’t like fish, because they provide the omega 3s that we prize in fish.

There are similar differences in the weight loss effects of industrial versus pastured chickens and turkeys, and farmed versus wild fish. I often tell my students that when they eat farmed fish, they might as well be eating a feedlot cow.

Other products from grassfed and industrial animals are also wildly different in the nutrition they offer.

Milk, butter and cream from grassfed cows can help burn fat and build muscle. They contain CLA, a type of fat that causes that to happen. (see Tom, 1977 in Robinson, p 20). Grassfed milk has 5 times more CLA than industrial milk.

Bottom line, meat lovers; meat shunners.

Industrial animal farming has spawned an industrial food syndrome epidemic – folks who are obese, diabetic, and prone to heart disease, cancer, asthma and arthritis.

The reaction against cruelty to animals and dangers to human health from industrial food has given vegetarianism new life. Even Michael Pollan who started out as an omnivore, advises us on the cover of his newest book:

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants”.

But we need not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Instead, we say:

“Eat food, low carb, grassfed and wild.” And of course, eat real fat.

P.S. This post is part of a new book being written by Dr. Heidi Dulay who created the Extreme Regime Fat Burn Formula. The five week weight loss program opens Monday, Jan 26.

Go here to get priority notification.

Next, toxins cause weight gain.

Good Food Making You Fat Video w/Dr. Heidi

Email Robin Here

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